News Release

2023年07月 18日
DAC becomes a Kochi Fighting Dogs digital marketing partner

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D.A.Consortium Inc.
Kochi Fighting Dogs

DAC becomes a Kochi Fighting Dogs digital marketing partner

Tokyo, July 18, 2023 – D.A.Consortium Inc. (DAC) is pleased to announce that it has signed a digital marketing partner agreement with Kochi Fighting Dogs, a Shikoku Island League Plus professional baseball team.

Since establishing a Kochi office in April 2019, DAC has worked to support educational and other institutions in Kochi City and Kochi Prefecture and recruit and nurture digital marketing human resources. Under the theme, “Digital marketing in Kochi,” we have reinforced our recruiting activities with a goal to hire 200 personnel(*1).

To create an opportunity for young people to challenge themselves, Kochi Fighting Dogs was established in 2005, the same year Shikoku Island League was launched. During the 2022 season, Shikoku Island League Plus won the overall championship for the first time in 13 years and is expected to continue its strong performance in the 2023 season.

DAC decided to support Kochi Fighting Dogs as a digital marketing partner because it shares the team’s vision to bring dreams, smiles and a sense of challenge to the world and the team’s philosophy to revitalize and contribute to and nurture human resources in the community. As stated in our brand slogan, “Empowering the digital future,” DAC wishes to support the further growth and success of Kochi Fighting Dogs to build a society where people and companies can meet through digital technology and create new dreams. With the power of digital technology, we will work together to spread greater awareness of Kochi Fighting Dogs and implement initiatives that will bring more fans to the stadium and contribute to Kochi’s regional revitalization and development through baseball.

■Comment from Yuzo Tanaka, President, CEO & COO, D.A.Consortium Inc.
The World Baseball Classic was held this year and Japan clinched the best result in its victory. I cheered for the Japan team during the first round at Tokyo Dome and remember the unique sense of anticipation, thrill and exhilaration I felt watching amazing play after play. With a desire and hope to bring that sort of excitement and energy to the people of Kochi as well, I am happy that DAC Kochi has signed a digital marketing partnership agreement with Kochi Fighting Dogs. With a large number of NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball) players coming from Kochi Fighting Dogs, we see great potential and are honored to have the opportunity to support a team rooted in Kochi on the occasion of DAC Kochi’s 5th anniversary. Although we are already in the middle of the second half of the season, we are harnessing our digital marketing expertise to formulate a system and ad plan to support the Kochi Fighting Dogs.

DAC will continue to nurture digital marketing personnel in Kochi and provide an environment where they can play an active role in an effort to contribute to regional revitalization and development for a better future digital society.

(*1)DAC Kochi Office recruitment site:


<Kochi Fighting Dogs> (Japanese)
A Shikoku Island League Plus professional baseball team

Representative :Shigekazu Takemasa,

 Representative Director

 Head Office :21-6 Otani Koen-cho, Kochi-shi
 Established : 2005

:To expand baseball’s support base and nurture players;
 to revitalize and contribute to the community; to nurture local human resources

Corporate Information> 
■ D.A.Consortium Inc.
Established in 1996 during the early days of online advertising, DAC has led the formation and growth of the digital marketing industry by steadily expanding its operations with the increased digitalization of information and lifestyles.
Utilizing a wealth of knowledge and experience in digital advertising, advanced technological development skills, and strong relationships with media companies, platformers and other technology partners, DAC provides global and comprehensive digital marketing services, such as supporting company data utilization, designing promotional initiatives, and developing and constructing marketing systems.
Guided by the mission, “Empowering the digital future,” DAC will continue to be a leader in creating new forms of digital ads and marketing that provide new value to society.

 Representative :Yuzo Tanaka,  
 President, Executive Officer, CEO & CCO(Chief Compliance Officer)
 Head Office :Yebisu Garden Place Tower, 4-20-3, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
 Established :December 1996

:Online media transaction related business, Solution business,
 Ad Operations Business

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D.A.Consortium Inc.
Corporate Strategy Group Public Relations /


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All rights reserved.

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